The following downloads are available now.
February 2017
Latest ALPS / PodBlaster software
This update is minor and simply improves the ‘Easy Mode’ preset for Microphone Levelling. If you are already running ver, there is no need to update – unless you need the latest EasyMode Mic preset of course.
Usage Instructions:
There is no need to uninstall your old version first, the installer shell programme will take care of deleting old files automatically. Any Presets you may have saved as files on the PC will not be deleted.
After downloading the update and unzipping the update, copy everything to a suitable folder located on your hard drive (for example, make a new Audessence folder in C:\Downloads), then run ‘setup.exe’ from there to install the latest GUI.
Latest software for ALPS / PodBlaster (click here to download)
May 2016
RDS PRO-4 Software
There has been no need for any updates to the RDS PRO-4 software or firmware as yet. Original software is available via the link below:
Controller for RDS PRO-4 (Click this line to download)
April 2016
ALPS-1-IP Software
There has been no need for any updates to the ALPS-1-IP software or firmware as yet. Original software is available via the link below:
Controller for ALPS-1-IP ver 3-1-2-13 (Click this line to download)
August 2013 – Latest AM PRO-1 software
This release incorporates some improvents like an explicit button to ‘Save’ settings (i.e. Save to non-volatile memory ‘now’) rather than just leaving any Save until exiting the GUI / Controller programme.
The manual has also been improved to make it easier to undertand about ‘Modes’ and how to change Output settings.
Latest Controller software for AM PRO-1 (click this line to download)
December 2012
Latest RDS PRO-1 software
Available here is the latest RDS firmware (version 1.5e), along with the latest GUI for Windows PC (version 3.5.d.R3) and the latest manual release (issue 4.4). This update brings further improvements for TMC applications that use UECP commands and also has the ability to transmit AF lists using Method B.
N.B: To use the latest features you must update the firmware in your RDS PRO-1 unit and also use the latest GUI (which is ver 3.5.d.Rev3). The GUI, manuals and Firmware are all in the one ZIP file, they will unzip to separate directories. Instructions for doing the firmware update are included (PDF format) in the ‘Firmware Update’ directory. The RDS GUI runs in the same way as the older software (…i.e. does not need installing in Windows, just save it to hard disk and then run it).
Latest Software for RDS PRO-1 encoders (click this line to download)
November 2012
Latest RDS PRO-2 software
The latest extras for RDS PRO-2. Includes firmware updater and latest RDS firmware 1.5e, latest PC GUI programme 3-5-d-3, and new manual RDS PRO-2 issue 4-0.
Latest software for RDS PRO-2 encoder (click this line to download)
November 2011
Previous ALPS / PodBlaster GUI – Version 2
(Legacy release)
Provided for those ALPS and PodBlaster users who want the latest stable GUI release but without changing to the new DSP firmware.
Controller (GUI) ver 2-5-4-12 for ALPS-1, ALPS-2 and PodBlaster (Click here to download)
ALPS-3 Software – originally released September 2010
Latest version includes support for Windows 7, improved installation under Windows Vista, maintained support for Windows XP and continuing support for legacy Windows 2000-SP3. Apart from that it is just minor improvements in this version.
After unzipping, copy entire folder to a suitable location on your hard drive and then run ‘setup.exe’:
Controller (GUI) ALPS-3 ver 2-5-3-12 software release (Click here to download)
November 2010
Previous Software for AM PRO-1
Latest version includes support for Windows 7, improved installation under Windows Vista, maintained support for Windows XP and continuing support for legacy Windows 2000-SP3. Apart from that it is just minor improvements in this version.
After unzipping, copy entire folder to a suitable location on your hard drive and then run ‘setup.exe’:
Previous Controller for AM PRO-1 ver 2-5-4-12 (Click this line to download)